Jeep JL/JLU/JT Door Hinge PPF
JL (2-dr) - $17.95 (set of 3)
JLU/JT (4-dr) - $24.95 (set of 5)
Why we didn't do this sooner, we have no idea. We constantly see Jeeps with rock chips on the hinges, ...well, here is the solution!
Shown in red ONLY for a visual on where exactly the PPF coverage is. PRODUCT WILL BE CLEAR!
We did these in two easy to install pieces. And, being as small as they are you can do these dry. We've also included an extra set, just in case you mess one up. We use Xpel Ultimate Plus PPF, at 10mil this is as good as it gets. This is the best solution if you want to keep the painted areas scratch free and still see paint through the optically clear PPF. Is it scratch proof? No, but it is very resistant. Light surface scratches can be removed with just heat. We've even provided a YouTube video of the installation to make things even easier (Watch HERE). Xpel is good for up to 10 years.