Vinyl Wrap & PPF Install Prep Spray
Convenience. Underground Graphics is now offering pre-mixed solutions to make your installations easier. Yes, it is the same mix we talk about in every one of our YouTube installation videos, these are just made for you in a convenient 4oz bottle.
Two Solutions:
Our Alcohol & Water mix. A 1:10 ratio - 10% Iso. alcohol (70%), 90% water. Used to clean and prep the surface.
Directions for Use:
- Always use with clean twice-folded microfiber towel
- Do not use on hot surface. If surface is hot, allow to cool down before using solution.
Step 1 - Spray pre-mix onto twice-folded microfiber to pre-soak the towel surface
Step 2 - Clean install area, and all contaminated areas around install area
Step 3 - Wait for the cleaned area to be dry before Installation
Repeat steps 1 - 3 until all sections are cleaned
Our slip solution. Used for wet installs, particularly PPF, but can be used for wet install vinyl as well.
Directions for Use:
- For PPF use a rubber squeegee
- For Vinyl use a soft edge squeegee
- Shake well before use
Step 1 - Spray slip solution liberally onto the area of the vehicle where the vinyl is to be installed
Step 2 - Spray slip solution on the adhesive sides of the vinyl (for PPF spray both sides)
Step 3 - Place vinyl piece on the area to be installed and move into the correct fitting position
Step 4 - Using the appropriate squeegee, carefully push out the Slip Solution from underneath the vinyl layer. Use overlapping strokes with the squeegee to remove as much slip solution as possible. (Watch Our Video Guides HERE) & HERE